Power BI Training in Gwalior
Affy Informatics is one of the most preferred institute for Power BI Training in Gwalior.Learn Power BI from experts from Affy Informatics that also offers placement support. Develop your technical skills by pursuing Power BI Training in Gwalior from our proficient professionals. We will impart you with knowledge on the basic and advanced levels in Microsoft BI with practical experience.
What is Power BI?
Microsoft Power BI is a collection of applications, software services and connectors that work together to turn your unrelated sources of data into clear, visually immersive, and interactive insights. It is a business analytics interactive service provided by Microsoft that helps you to connect easily with your data sources, and visualise. With the help of Power BI, individuals can get data from a wide range of systems in the cloud and create dashboards that will track the metrics they care the most. With this technology, enterprises can see their business performance more closely and get immediate results with real-time dashboards available for every device.
What is the Scope of a Microsoft Power BI?
One of the main reason why Microsoft Power BI stands as the most preferred data visualisation tools is that there are several options in terms of connectivity, starting from Databases, Spreadsheets, and even Big Data. It is equipped with a Web Data connector and used to pull API directly from the web to connect data sources. It supports fact-based and logical decision making by analysing historical data rather than assumptions. Hence, most of the firms are taking the help of BI tools to visualise the data. As companies are switching to these tools, demand for Power BI skilled professionals is automatically increasing.
What are the advantages of Power BI?
- Power BI is Simple to Use, Drag & Drop Functionality.
- Power BI Licencing Cost is very low.
- Power BI can perform End to End Business Intelligence Activities.
- Power BI Can Analyse “Multiple Data Sources” Data at a Time.
- Within Less Time you can Prepare, Model and Visualize the Data.
- Within Less Time You can prepare the Reports and Dashboards.
- Instantly you can Share Reports and Dashboards.
- Power BI Insights can be accessed across multiple platforms and devices.
- Power BI Visuals can Supports Visual Interactions and Drilldown Features.
- Power BI supports Schedule refresh and Incremental Refresh.
This Power BI Training program is aimed to help students
- Build a clear understanding of Microsoft Power BI tool
- Understand how Power BI can transform data & business
- Learn about Power BI desktop & get to know how to manage & utilize data with it
- Working on Power BI data modeling concepts
- Hands-on exposure towards creating custom data visualizations & style reports
- Working on sharing & collaborating with data through Power BI
- Exposure of real-world projects and live industry-based case studies on Power BI
Power BI Training Syllabus
- Introduction of Power BI
- Business Intelligence
- SSBI (Self Service Business Intelligence tools)
- Power BI
- Architecture of Power BI
- Components of Power BI
- Power BI Desktop
- Overview of Power BI Desktop
- Data sources and connections in Power BI ( Various different DS connections)
- Query editor in Power BI
- Transform data in Query editor
- Joining data
- Data interpretations
- Manage data relationship
- Change data source connectivity
- Create calculated measures and filter at data level
- Modeling data
- Data Analysis Expressions (DAX)
- Why DAX
- DAX Syntax
- Data types in DAX
- Types of calculations
- DAX tables and Filtering
- DAX queries
- DAX Parameters
- Analytics calculations
- Data Visualizations
- Supported Chart types in Power BI
- Map Visualizations
- Color palettes in Charts
- Loading Shapes, text boxes, and images
- Custom visuals
- Z-Order
- Power BI Q&A and Data Insights
- Introduction to Power BI Services
- Dashboard vs. Reports
- Quick Insights
- Creating Dashboards
- Power BI Q&A
- Ask Questions of your Data
- Power BI Embedded
- Power BI Report Server
- Report server Basics
- Web Portal
- Row level security
- Data Gateways
- Scheduled data refresh
- Real Time Project Life Cycle
- Real Time Project Life Cycle
- Project Trouble Shooting
- Project Trouble Shooting